My work is inspired by my love of ancient art techniques and antiquities. I am compelled to communicate my thoughts and feelings through my art. I believe art connects us all to our unconscious mind and can be a powerful tool.
The medium I choose to work in is random and limited only by my abilities. I am also inspired to collaborate with other artists of similar and different venues. I believe working together with other artist opens the possibilities of expression and reaches a larger audience.
After attending Parson’s school of Design in NYC and apprenticeships in both jewelry arts and graphic art I began my career as a professional artist.
In the early 90s I began exhibiting my work in both galleries and on the streets of New York City and Tokyo, Japan.
In 1997 under my maiden name Sherri Weiner I co starred/ acted in an experimental documentary film “Milk” by Edgar Honetschlager, show cased in the Berlinale & Documenta X 1998.
1999- 2010 lead to a collaboration with Sindhu Rumpler in “The Broken Truck Garden” a sculpture and living edible garden in Keokea, Maui, Hawaii.
On January 29, 2003, after having a severe asthma incident I went code blue. Surviving a Near Death Experience inspired a series of oil paintings which I named “Glimpse”. This has lead to a short story of this event. In 2012 I opened Studio22k to show case both my jewelry art and that of like minded goldsmiths.
During this past year of Covid-19, I have been inspired to explore my connection with Hawaii working in clay.